The Mystery Unveiled: why is the battery yellow on iPhone?

Why is the Battery Yellow on IPhone

The battery icon on an iPhone typically appears in yellow when the device is in Low Power Mode. Low Power Mode is a feature that helps conserve battery life by reducing or optimizing various settings and background processes on the phone. When your iPhone’s battery level drops to a certain percentage, typically around 20%, it may prompt you to enable Low Power Mode to extend the battery life until you can recharge it.

While in Low Power Mode, the battery icon turns yellow to indicate that this mode is active. Some of the changes that occur in Low Power Mode include reducing screen brightness, fetching new emails and app updates less frequently, and disabling some visual effects.

You can manually enable Low Power Mode by going to the Settings app on your iPhone, selecting “Battery,” and toggling on the Low Power Mode switch. Disabling Low Power Mode will return the battery icon to its normal color, which is usually green or white, depending on your iPhone’s battery level and settings.

The color of the iPhone battery indicator is not arbitrary; it conveys essential information about your device’s power status. Understanding the reasons behind these color changes can help you make the most of your iPhone’s battery life. Read More: When Did Smartphones Become Popular

The Science Behind Battery Colors

Before we get into why the iPhone battery turns yellow, let’s explore the science behind battery indicator colors. Most smartphone batteries are lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries. The color changes indicate different levels of charge and health. Green usually means your battery is fully charged, while red signifies that it’s running low. Yellow, in the case of the iPhone, falls somewhere in between.  Also, Check Our Website For More Information: techx webs

A yellow iPhone battery usually indicates that your device is in Low Power Mode. This mode is designed to conserve battery life when your iPhone’s charge drops below a certain threshold. It reduces background activity, fetches new mail less frequently, and minimizes visual effects. Enabling Low Power Mode can significantly extend your iPhone’s battery life, making it a handy feature when you need your device to last longer.

Yellow Battery Indicator: What It Means

When you see a yellow battery icon on your iPhone, it’s essential to understand its significance. This color change signifies that your device’s battery is below 20%. In this mode, your iPhone will automatically disable some non-essential features to conserve energy. While it may limit some functions temporarily, it can help you use your device for more critical tasks until you can recharge.

why is the battery yellow on iPhone
why is the battery yellow on iPhone

How to Extend iPhone Battery Life

To extend your iPhone’s battery life when the battery turns yellow, there are several steps you can take:

  • Dim the screen brightness.
  • Turn off background app refresh.
  • Disable push email.
  • Close unnecessary apps running in the background.
  • Reduce screen auto-lock time.

By following these simple steps, you can maximize the usage of your iPhone even when the battery is in Low Power Mode.

What to Do If Your iPhone Battery Turns Yellow

If your iPhone battery turns yellow, don’t panic. It’s your device’s way of telling you that it’s time to conserve power. To return to normal mode, simply charge your iPhone. This will not only change the battery indicator color back to green but also give you a full battery to work with.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy iPhone Battery

Preventing your iPhone battery from frequently turning yellow is essential. To maintain a healthy iPhone battery, follow these tips:

  • Avoid extreme temperatures.
  • Update your iOS regularly.
  • Manage battery-hungry apps.
  • Use Apple-certified chargers and accessories.
  • Avoid excessive background processes.

By implementing these strategies, you can prolong the lifespan of your iPhone’s battery and minimize the frequency of it turning yellow.

why is the battery yellow on iPhone
why is the battery yellow on iPhone

Common Misconceptions About Yellow iPhone Batteries

There are some misconceptions regarding yellow iPhone batteries, including concerns about battery damage. In most cases, the yellow color indicates a feature designed to help your device conserve energy and prolong battery life. It’s not necessarily a sign of malfunction or damage.

User Experience and Perception

The perception of a yellow iPhone battery can vary from user to user. Some may see it as a sign of inconvenience, while others appreciate the opportunity to extend their device’s usage. User experience and perception play a significant role in how we interpret these battery indicators.

User Experience and Perception

The perception of a yellow iPhone battery can vary from user to user. Some may see it as a sign of inconvenience, while others appreciate the opportunity to extend their device’s usage. User experience and perception play a significant role in how we interpret these battery indicators.

Monitoring Your iPhone’s Battery Health

For iPhone users, keeping an eye on battery health is essential. You can check your battery’s health in the “Battery” section of your device’s settings. This will give you insights into your battery’s maximum capacity and peak performance capability. Regularly monitoring this can help you understand if your battery might need replacing.

Battery Replacement

All batteries degrade over time, and iPhones are no exception. If your iPhone battery begins to turn yellow frequently, even after following best practices, it might be a sign that your battery is reaching the end of its life cycle. Apple offers battery replacement services, and getting a new battery can significantly improve your device’s performance and battery life.

The Impact of Apps on Battery Life

Your choice of apps can significantly affect your iPhone’s battery life. Some apps are notorious for draining your battery faster than others. Social media apps, for instance, can be heavy users of power, especially when they run in the background. Consider monitoring and limiting the use of such apps to extend your battery life.


In conclusion, the yellow iPhone battery is not a cause for alarm but a useful feature to optimize your device’s battery life. Understanding the science behind it and how to manage your iPhone when it turns yellow is crucial for a smooth user experience. By following the provided tips, you can ensure that your iPhone serves you well, even when the battery indicator turns yellow.


1. Why does the iPhone battery turn yellow?

A. The yellow color indicates that your iPhone is in Low Power Mode, designed to conserve battery life when it’s running low.

2. Is a yellow iPhone battery a sign of battery damage?

A. No, a yellow battery is not a sign of damage. It’s a feature to help you save battery power.

3. Can I still use my iPhone when the battery is yellow?

A. Yes, you can use your iPhone in Low Power Mode. Some features will be limited, but it can extend your battery life.

4. How can I prevent my iPhone battery from turning yellow frequently?

A. To prevent frequent yellow battery indicators, follow tips like managing background apps and using Apple-certified accessories.

5. Does the yellow battery affect my iPhone’s performance?

A. The yellow battery mode may limit some features temporarily, but it’s designed to conserve power, not negatively impact performance.

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